So, everyone has been asking me what I've been doing in between H.M.S. Pinafore and the next gig. The answer is, a whole lot! I feel like this is the first time I've relaxed in weeks, and that's only because I have the dreaded summer cold. So many things in my life are changing or are new to me this summer. Getting my Masters diploma in the mail the other day made me think of just how much has changed.
The first thing is obvious, I finished school! Shortly after, I did my first professional show. I moved from Edgewater to Old Town. I have two new, great roommates! I started a new day job that is somewhat flexible. (I know! I'm extremely lucky.) And I just sold my car on Sunday. It's almost happened too fast. I find myself a little displaced at times.
I think the hardest part so far was going from being so busy with H.M.S. Pinafore to having almost nothing to do directly after. There I was, unemployed with nothing to do. Everyday seemed a little monotonous and boring. I watched that extra show or two...or five on Netfix and slept in for way too long, because I no longer had something to wake up for. What did I have to do that day? Nothing, and the nothingness was staring me in the face. It took me a while to bounce back from this funk I was in. I feel a need to share this because no one warned me about the post show funk. I was was talking to a few of my colleagues about how I felt. Apparently, it's a common thing, and it's not very fun.
I believe I am now out of said funk. With this new job, I have fallen into a new pattern of life. I work out in the morning, go to work from 10-3:30 and practice right after. I am learning new arias and preparing for audition season, and I'm excited again.
I'm also having fun. I am running a color run on Saturday. I have a wedding gig at the end of the month, and I have a fun trip to Michigan in August! If I've learned anything this summer, it's that, for me, music is an expression of life. Life without music is sad. Music without life is uninspired. When the balance is skewed either way, I feel deprived. At times it will be unbalanced. That's that nature of this business; however, I now know that but I need both life experiences and music to be a good artist.